Thursday, September 27, 2012

a good fall meal, for Carol

This recipe is from a fellow teacher's cookbook.  It's the only chili recipe I've ever followed, and I think it's easy and tasty. 

This recipe makes an enormous amount.  Halve it, and two of you will have enough for tonight, tomorrow night, and maybe a lunch or two. 

Saute the onions and the garlic in the olive oil until the onions are soft.
3–4 medium onions, chopped
3–4 cloves of garlic, pressed
1 Tablespoon of olive oil
Add the meat and fry it until it is brown, mixing it in with the onions and garlic while it fries. 
        500 grams (1 lb) of ground beef, ground pork, or mixed (beef tastes best) 
Add the beans and the tomatoes, squashing the tomatoes with your spatula as you add them. Remove any skins that were left on the tomatoes when they were canned.
4 cans of kidney beans, including the juice
4 cans of tomatoes, including the juice
Add 1 Tablespoon of chili powder, mix and taste. Add more as desired. Add salt to taste.
1 to 3 Tablespoons of Chili con carne powder to taste
Salt to taste
Let your chili simmer for at least 30 minutes before serving to blend the flavors.

Serve over rice or with cornbread.  Great to add grated cheese into it, and sour cream (especially if you make it too hot!)

Now you'll need a recipe for cornbread too.  

This recipe, made by my Bible study leader last year, is moist & buttery.  Mmmmmm. (again, I halve it for two of us, and it's plenty to last through the chili)

½ cup sugar
1 ½ cup all-purpose flour
1 ½ cup cornmeal, yellow 
1 Tbsp. Baking powder
½ tsp. salt

1 ¾ cup milk
½ cup oil (not olive)
2 eggs, slightly beaten

Stir all the dry ingredients together first. Then add the wet stuff.
Mix all well, but not more than about 50 stirrings. Pour into
greased 13 x 9 inch pan, or pour into 24 greased muffin cups.
Bake in preheated oven 375 for 30 minutes (15 – 20 minutes for

If you want to halve the recipe, most amounts are easy to cut in
half; the milk will be: ¾ cup plus 1/8 cup. Use an 8 x 8 pan.

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