Thursday, January 28, 2010

One of those days

This morning we whizzed through the sixth grade math lesson, and we ended with 10 minutes for them to do their homework.  They had all finished at 11:10 when it was time for class to be over.... We waited 15 minutes for the next teacher to come, at which point I realized that math class was supposed to end at 11:25, and the next teacher wasn't, in fact, late. 

In my justification, this is our second day of a new schedule with the spring semester. 

Then I proceeded to plan for 7th grade math using the 6th grade textbook.  I read the lesson, wrote out the objectives, my plan, and picked homework problems.  Math class starts and I begin teaching...until one student says to me, "We don't know where you are." 

In my justification, the 6th and 7th grade math texts look exactly alike, except for a color difference, and we know Kate has trouble remembering by color.  In addition, both grades are doing lesson 6-9 next, AND lesson 6-9 in BOTH texts is titled "solving problems with equations"!

I think my brain is foggy with a bit of a cold.  I'm anxiously waiting what will happen in 8th grade math. 

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mark comments

Last week, when we came into their house after sledding:
"Would you like something to drink?" Mark asks.
"Oh, yes, thank you. I'd like water," say I.
Mark replies kindly, "The faucet is right there."

After lunch, Elizabeth was taking Daniel and Anna to a friend's house and I started cleaning up the dishes. Mark helped. He picked out 4 pieces of tupperware and spent about 10 minutes lining them up on the kitchen floor and finding their matching lids. Then he brought in the pot of pasta, and sitting on the floor with the pot about 1 foot from the row of tupperware, he scooped the leftovers into the containers. By the time I turned around and saw what he was doing, he had 10 pieces of pasta on the floor. I suggested we'd have to throw the spills away, but he assured me the floor was clean, and ate them with his fingers.

Today at our apartment when Garrett was playing with Photobooth on his new mac:
"You laugh like a čarodějnice!" ...which means witch!

oh, to remember all the funny things he says. I know there were half a dozen more, but this is all I've got now.


And I made this one just today! How cool is this?
Go here to make your own free videos.

from our wedding

Create your own video slideshow at

Garrett made this video on Animoto a few weeks after we go married.
Oooh Aaaah

Friday, January 15, 2010

more on settlers

I didn't make this... But it's pretty awesome, huh?

This is for Liz and Dan and Liza and Carol and Jimmy and the Corpuses and Jill and Courtney and the many others of you who we've enjoyed a game of settlers with this past year.

Monday, January 04, 2010

New Year's in Prague

I've never cared much for New Year's celebrations, but the fireworks in Prague were pretty spectacular.

On New Year's Eve we had a few people over for games, and at quarter till midnight, we went out to the park for the fireworks. Our park has a view of Prague - on a clear day you can see Museum, Petrin Hill, the castle, and peaks of Old Town. We thought we'd see the fireworks going off in the distance, but there was fog and smoke hung in the air, blocking most of our view. The show we saw was taking off from our own hill. Pražany* buy big fireworks and let them off all over the place - big colorful fireworks that only firemen do in the US. It was fantastic! Some people let off these beautiful, enchanting lanterns. I had never seen anything like it before. They are like big paper balloons with a flame in the middle, so they fill up with hot air and float away. The whole crowd got into it, swelling with "ooooo" when it drifted toward a tree, and cheering for it when it safely made it up into the sky. And then they looked like little fireflies, getting smaller and smaller into the sky.

*Back in the day, we used to joke about calling my brother-in-law Praguish, as if we had no idea of the correct term for his nationality. But then in Czech class a few weeks ago I learned there is a word for someone from Prague: Pražan.

Wow! Isn't that fabulous? That is NOT what we saw: we wouldn't have been quite so close, and certainly it was not so clear. Maybe next year...

Saturday, January 02, 2010

life of pi 2

I've been having large animals in my dreams ever since I finished reading Life of Pi a week ago. Last night it was a large dog and a black bear, attacking each other. Very ferocious.

It's a good book. The next time I picked up the book since last posting, the plot picked up and I couldn't stop reading. I read for 3 or 4 nights in a row until 2am until I finished it. [I love Christmas break.] I don't really wish to give a synopsis, and I'd recommend not reading the back cover.

Read it.

beach days

Friday, January 01, 2010


Well, would you look at that? Garrett, 1982.
We might need to resurrect this look.

a bit of an explanation...
My grandpa wears these kinds of pants quite often. My dad always wore his red-and-green plaid pants on Christmas day, and as kids, we called them grandpa-pants. They are pretty much awesome (in the language of my 7th graders).