I went into a small electronics store to buy a micro SD card. The man spoke no English, so I tried to say in a Czech accent "micro sd", and he pointed out the glass case with various sizes. I looked at the smallest 2gb one, and saw 1200kc on it. I said, in English, "1200KC?!" (60+ bucks). He said "yes." I attempted to say in poor Czech: "In America, they are 5 dollars - 100 kc." He said a lot of things, and I said I didn't understand. And then he said to me, "for you, 100kc." I said, "Really?" I couldn't understand how he could sell it to me for so much less than what he wanted, but I took it. I handed him two 50kc pieces that each weigh 15 times what I was buying, and took the sd card.
Upon closer inspection I saw what I could not see clearly through the glass: it was 120kc. And the 'kc' was smudged so I thought it was a 0.
Upon closer inspection I saw what I could not see clearly through the glass: it was 120kc. And the 'kc' was smudged so I thought it was a 0.
What a nincompoop I am.
These sorts of things happen regularly when you live in a foreign country.
1 comment:
i mean, you still got it cheaper, right?! good work!
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