Monday, February 02, 2009

Over Christmas break, with my family, we took the train to Karlštejn and walked up the hill to the castle.We took a tour of the inside, which was cold, and bare, and where we weren't allowed to take any pictures...

And then we walked on through the woods to a town further up the tracks where we could catch the train. The trail was bumpy with a stroller. And it was cold and long for little hungry kids. And at a few points we weren't quite sure which way to go. But we arrived at the next town just as it was getting dark, and had a hot supper at an inn by the train station.


Briana said...

my goodness Daniel and Mary look a lot alike in that picture! wow.

looks like fun, wish i was there exploring with you. ;)

p.s. still working on the massive my head...i might need to send it in snippets. we'll see.

Carol said...

Garrett's got a nice hat.

Briana said...

bout time for a new post don't you think? maybe something about, oh i don't know, all the NEWS in your life. :)

miss ya, love ya.